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Welcome to
Virtuoso Rewards

Get rewarded for every lesson you take!

1. Sign Up

Register for an account and earn 10 points.

2. Earn Points

Earn points for taking lessons, referring friends, and so much more.

3. Get Rewards

Redeem your points for exclusive discounts and other benefits.
200 points = $5.

Any Questions?

How do I earn points?

As soon as you join Virtuoso Rewards, you’ll automatically earn 1 point for every dollar you spend. You’ll also earn bonus points on your birthday and whenever you refer a friend. You can also find special offers to earn more points in your dashboard.

What can I redeem points on?

Points can be redeemed for $5, $10, $15, and $20 gift certificates anytime. 200 points are worth $5.

How do I qualify for Virtuoso Status?

As soon as you purchase your first lesson, you will become a Virtuoso Member which comes with special benefits. Students that spend $1000, $2250, or $3500 on lessons per year will qualify for Virtuoso Silver, Gold, or Platinum status which comes with exclusive benefits such as free classes, access to member-only events, extra discounts, and so much more.

How do I sign up? 

As soon as you purchase your first lesson, you will automatically be enrolled into our Virtuoso Rewards program. You can view your rewards, earn bonus points, and redeem your points anytime from your Dashboard.